Cholrure de magnesium

ContrairemSachet que l'on trouve très facilement en pharmacieent à ce que beaucoup de gens croient, ce n’est pas de calcium dont nous avons le plus besoin, mais de magnésium, un oligo-élément essentiel qui a disparu de notre alimentation en raison du raffinage des céréales d’une part, mais aussi et surtout des méfaits de l’agriculture intensive.
D’autre raisons peuvent être encore invoquées pour la carence alimentaire en magnésium : le raffinage du sel lui fait perdre une grande quantité de magnésium, les conservateurs utilisés dans l’industrie alimentaire, mais aussi la consommation d’alcool.
Nos besoins quotidiens en magnésium sont de 350 à 480 mg/jour – 400 mg/jour pour les femmes enceintes.

Au 19è siècle , alors que notre alimentation était plus équilibré et pas encore dévitalisée par l’agriculture industrielle, la carence en magnésium n’existait pas. Il suffisait de manger 500gr de pain complet au levain qui amenait quotidiennement l’apport nécessaire. Le pain que nous mangeons aujourd’hui n’en apporte que des quantités infimes.
Le magnésium n’est pas un médicament, c’est un aliment absolument nécessaire puisque sont absence totale est incompatible avec la vie. Il est nécessaire à tous les processus biochimiques de votre organisme, au métabolisme, à la synthèse des acides nucléiques et des protéines, et à la majorité des fonctions de notre organisme, comme la reproduction cellulaire, la production d’énergie, la transmission des influx nerveux. Dans ce dernier cas, le magnésium profondément lié au calcium puisqu’il assure sa fixation, est l’un des principaux aliments de la cellule nerveuse ; dans tous les troubles du système nerveux (nervosité, dépression, insomnie, anxiété…) on constate la carence de magnésium.
Le chercheur français ROBINET a montré qu’en France, les carences du sol en magnésium se superposait parfaitement sur la carte de France des suicides. Le magnésium est donc un puissant antidépresseur que l’on devrait privilégier par rapport à certains médicaments aux effets secondaires redoutables.
Dans certains cas, le rôle du magnésium par rapport au calcium est intéressant à bien des égards. Déjà, on sait que c’est le magnésium qui fixe le calcium et intervient dans le métabolisme calcique sur les glandes parathyroïdes. Au niveau cellulaire, il contôle et régule l’entrée du calcium dans la cellule et les liquides intra-cellulaires.

Le Chlorure de Magnésium


Il se vend en pharmacie (sans ordonnance) ou en magasin diététique, en sachets de 20g que l’on dilue dans 1 litre d’eau.
Il est conseillé de le conserver au réfrigérateur pour tuer un peu la saveur âcre et amère.
Il est aujourd’hui prouvé que le magnésium est présent dans tous les tissus et organes, qu’il participe à la bonne marche de toutes les grandes fonctions de l’organisme sans exception. Comme l’organisme ne dispose d’aucune réserve en magnésium, il lui faut un apport régulier journalier pour faire face à ses besoins physiologiques, faute de quoi des troubles vont survenir plus ou moins rapidement au niveau de telle ou telle fonction organique selon la fragilité de chacun.
La malabsorption du magnésium est associé aux problèmes gastro-intestinaux .
L’insuffisance chronique peut produire des dommages à long terme et peut être mortelle.
99% des hommes sont en déficit en magnésium (dans le monde moderne).

Problèmes dus au manque de magnésium

Fatigue chronique ainsi que tout manque d’énergie, réactions émotives, dépressions, comportement psychotique, impulsion rapide, confusion, colère, nervosité, irritabilité, incapacité de penser clairement, insomnie, spasmes musculaires, tremblements, convulsions, sensibilité excessive à la douleur, problèmes vasculaires, durcissement des artères, arthrite, maladies cardiovasculaires, fibromalgie, spasme vasculaires, spasmophilie, palpitations, crampes.

On a pu constater que l’apport de chlorure de magnésium à une action très positive sur :

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Free from single use bottles

During spring runoff, Grand Canyon’s drinking water may appear turbid or cloudy. This annual turbidity has been exhaustively researched and is not harmful to health. Grand Canyon National Park regularly tests the water to ensure it is safe to drink. Learn more….

water bottles filling container


Alkaline Salad Dressing

3 tbs of soya sauce (reduced salt)

1tbs grapeseed oil

1 tbs apple cider vinegar

3 cloves of fresh raw garlic

1 tabs fresh grated ginger root

Enjoy in excess!! 😉

L’union fait la force

Parce qu’ensemble on est plus fort pour luter contre tout…
“Si tous les gens qui s’aiment vivaient ensemble, la terre brillerait comme un soleil.”

Jean-Louis Barrault dans “Les enfants du paradis.”

Letter from my 10 year old

Dear mother earth
I am sorry for what we have done.
I have tried to use less litter but sometimes I just forget. When I am at school I don’t have any litter in my lunch box. At home we are growing plants in our vegetable garden and try not to buy things with plastic wrapping.
What we should be more careful of is trees and plants, without plants we can’t breath without us trees can’t breath.

One of my mum’s friends is making a non-plastic market.
Did you know that in some places in the world there is more plastic than plankton so little fish eat plastic and then bigger fish eat little fish with plastic inside them then we catch the fish with plastic inside and then we cook it and the plastic melts and we end up eating that plastic that we made.

I am so sorry for what we have done.We will change!
Yours sincerely




I was a blessed child.

I had a full-time mother.

I was blessed because my mother chose to make a career out of her family.

What does this really mean?

It means that the family was her main focus.  Everything revolved around the needs of her family.  Family life did not come second or third or fourth.  It came first.

Family was my mother’s priority.


Because of this, a powerful seed was planted in my heart and though its strength would be sorely tested through my own life’s challenges, in due time, it would reap its designated harvest.


My mother taught me to coo, to roll, to sit, to crawl, to clap, to stand, to speak, to walk, to drink from a cup, to feed myself, to dress myself, to use the bathroom & toilet, to listen, to observe, to touch, to care, to believe.

My mother did all this without a specific degree handed out to her by an Institutionalized Educational Department person.

She did all of this without worry or stress or anxiety attacks.

How?  She simply was there for me and ensured that she provided me with a loving, respectful, safe, nurturing environment.

She praised greatly and corrected lightly.


No institutionalized system could have substituted such excellence.


My mother taught me to play, to pretend, to create, to imagine, to wonder, to think, to socialize.

She taught me to read and to write, to use language skillfully, to express clearly and to enunciate always.

My mother imparted a love of books, creative stories, poetry & singing.

My mother taught me to give.  To give my best and to give of myself.


No institutionalized system could have substituted such excellence.


My mother taught me to read, to spell and to tell the time and thank goodness she did, because the educational system did not. By Grade 2, my mother had me reading so well, that my teacher sent me to the Grade 5 room to set an example of how good reading should sound.

Towards the end of Grade 3 my mother discovered I could not tell the time at all, so she took matters into her own hand and then furthered things by teaching me how to count back change and to calculate figures in my head.  We owned a small Bakery and my mother taught me how to efficiently run the shop front and how to present stock for maximum customer appeal. I learnt about catering for customer needs, ordering, stocktaking, planning and how to handle customer disputes.

I also learnt how to be pleasant despite the attitudes of others, how to debate respectfully and how to bow out gracefully.


(As a side note, my father taught me numerous things about baking and measuring, being observant, paying attention, checking and re-checking, using my own intuition and the importance of being precise.  He was particular about being organized and orderly and keeping one’s work space clean.  My father instilled a respect for punctuality – and to this day I am one who always strives to be punctual for any appointment or activity or meeting or play date!  There are countless other things that I have learned from my beloved father, but this is specifically about my mother!)


My mother taught me to respect the past, live in the present and embrace the future.


My mother taught me to love openly and abundantly.

To care deeply and to empathize sincerely.


My mother did all of this and infinitely more, all because of the choice she made years before I was even born!

My mother chose to make her family – her priority.

Our family was blessed because we were privileged to have a full-time mother.


I was born in 1968 and home schooling was not known to us – what a tragedy because I was a child who would have thrived at home all day with my mother!


Being away from my mother was horrid for me.  I missed her desperately – right through to high school!

Once I was able to escape the oppression of institutionalized education, I went right back to where my heart needed to be and worked alongside my mother in a new business venture.  I stayed there for many years.


Career options were plentiful for me because my mother had taught me to be strong and confident and poised and articulate.

She had enabled me to hold my head high in anyone’s company, to present myself with ease and grace and to always remain teachable.


Being free of the confined limitations of a failing, demeaning educational system, I was once again overjoyed with the beauty of learning for pleasure and thus, I quickly gained knowledge and skills in my desired area of health and fitness (exercise physiology).  This led to further study and eventually on to an interest in neurology, sensory integration, and children’s development.


My mother’s love for children and mothering had begun to come to full fruition and until I was able to mother within my own home, I used all my knowledge and skill and wisdom and love for the benefit of everyone else’s children.  It was sheer joy to do so!


At the heart of all this knowledge was the voice of my mother.  Her voice was heard through my teaching, my instruction, my workshops, my leadership, my employee training, my singing, my writing, my development programs and my parent training.

Her touch and her presence were felt through the way I moved and created and spoke and hugged and cuddled and encouraged and listened and observed and advised.


By the time I was promoted to mothering within my own home, everything good that my mother had poured into me came gushing out!

My home overflowed with all of her passion and joy and patience and wisdom and creativity and laughter – and more!

Children love to be in my home and spend time here – and children still love to be in my mother’s home!

People experience the same joy in my home as they do in my mother’s because in many ways … I am my mother!


Now thankfully we have discovered home schooling!

The moment I shared this new found revelation of Home Education with my parents, my mother’s eyes reflected a resounding, “yes”.  It’s as if we both knew that this was what we had always wanted –  for mother and child to be together until both could equally determine the child’s readiness to move on.


I was not ready to ‘move on’ until I was ready to be married at age 23.  Though I certainly moved on, I most definitely did not ‘move out’ of my mother’s life!  To this day she remains a vital part of all of our lives.


Being able to Home Educate is a sheer delight for me (though this does not mean that it is always easy nor that it is without its own challenges!).

I feel no loss at having to leave behind my worldly career because now I understand the vital importance of making one’s family …one’s career.

Instead of pouring all my time and energy into a worldly career, I am free to pour it into my home.  I do not have to live in conflict or guilt or be torn between serving an employer and tending to the needs of my home.


We often hear about the positive impact that some teachers have had on students by believing in them, but rarely do we hear about the countless mothers like mine or perhaps yours. 

In particular, we hear little about Home Educating mothers who daily impact positively on their children’s lives by relentlessly believing in them.

Our children are so infinitely precious and priceless to us that we are prepared to give up ourselves to nurture and nourish their spirits, their souls and their bodies.


Are there really any Super Mums? 

Yes there are!   They are the ones who put their families first

Who pour themselves into their children simply for love’s sake.

There is no institutional system that can ever replace the love and nurture of a mother who knows the value of her family.


I was a blessed child.

I am a blessed woman.

I have a mother who chose to ‘mother’ and who still chooses to ‘mother’.

This is one career position from which she shall not ever choose to retire.


I am eternally thankful for all that my mother has taught me.


Mothers – you are uniquely qualified to be your child’s educator and instructor because you have your child’s whole future in your heart.  No one loves your child like you do and no one will make the sacrifices that you are prepared and ready to make.  There is no worldly degree that could come close to this love and certainly no salary or wage or piece of paper that is worth what you are worth.

Thank you Cassandra for sharing this beautiful letter with me. XX

Le Petit Nicolas

60th Birthday today

Happiness at its peak

Crochet dress for Mimosa
