Who ? Qui?

Ce blog réuni tant de sujets qu’il m’est difficile de le cerner en quelques mots.

En généra:l un blog accessible a toute la famille, des conseils, des idées, des questions, des photos et un peu de cuisine parce qu’en tant que Française, je trouve  qu’il est aussi important de nourrir le cœur et le cerveau que l’estomac et exciter les papilles avec les yeux… Un blog plein d’amour ou on aime revenir et apprendre de nouvelles choses. On y trouve des encouragements et de petites histoires de vie assez comiques…

Tout le monde est le bienvenu a condition de respecter et d’accepter nos différences quelles qu’elles soient…

Nous sommes tous pareil finalement avec un cœur fragile et des problèmes changeants a chaque étape de notre vie.

Damoris est un havre de paix pour se ressourcer;

l’idée principale étant de rester dans le positif et la construction d’ un meilleur soi pour ameliorer notre environnement et celui de nos proches.

Si vous desirez laissez des commentaires, regardez en bas de chaque page et cliquez sur “Comments”. Je les lirai avec plaisir et essairai d’y repondre rapidement.

Bonne lecture et merci de votre visite


Real names and private details are just handy to recognise people in the palpable world around us. You know, the real one, the life that you can touch, feel, taste,  smell and see, by using all of your 5 senses. mmmm

But they don’t mater to anyone in this virtual world.

The (non exhaustive) long list of abstract nouns below represent only the fifth sense (sight) that we see, or sometimes, that we look for on the web. They can also be found in the real world, but you need to switch your computer off and get out to find them! That’s where they are the most rewarding because they are in 5 dimension!  And sometimes all of the 5 senses come together at the same exquisite moment. Nothing can beat the real world awaiting us out there. 🙂

Emotions, ideas, knowledge, feel good, impressions, exchange, hope, courage, communication, opinion, gossip, compassion, generosity, curiosity, kindness, laughter, education, fascination, support, belief, satisfaction, calm, happiness, strength,  wisdom, advice, pleasure, imagination, delight, surprise, help, humour, love, relaxation, goodness, rumour, dream, mercy, feelings, encouragements, sophistication…
Words heal us… they also help us grow… But they are not enough…

So, who am I?  Is a simple question but the answer is a bit more complex than a descriptive enunciation of  words.  I wouldn’t like to lock myself in a refined definition of who I am.  No one should have to fit in any particular box, or be labelled in any way. It wouldn’t be fair. Of course, we all have our main traits of character but nothing is forever that way. Time, life, environment, experience, people around us… shape us every minute we breath and we are constantly learning and  changing… refining ourselves for the better, hopefully…

For those who really need more facts: I am a mother of two beautiful girls (inside and out) and married to their Australian father.

If you wish to write a comment, I’d be delighted to read you and would greatly appreciate any trace you leave on my blog.

Differences in people: ideas, emotions, experiences, opinions…  is what makes this world such an fascinating place and blogging so interesting I guess…

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