Category Archives: Children

Letter from my 10 year old

Dear mother earth
I am sorry for what we have done.
I have tried to use less litter but sometimes I just forget. When I am at school I don’t have any litter in my lunch box. At home we are growing plants in our vegetable garden and try not to buy things with plastic wrapping.
What we should be more careful of is trees and plants, without plants we can’t breath without us trees can’t breath.

One of my mum’s friends is making a non-plastic market.
Did you know that in some places in the world there is more plastic than plankton so little fish eat plastic and then bigger fish eat little fish with plastic inside them then we catch the fish with plastic inside and then we cook it and the plastic melts and we end up eating that plastic that we made.

I am so sorry for what we have done.We will change!
Yours sincerely

Crochet dress for Mimosa


Wonder Tales of Earth and Sea by Jenni Cargill

(Ages 4-9)

“With her infectious enthusiasm storyteller Jenni Cargill draws children into the exotic world of story; adventure stories, a dreamtime story, participation songs, and wonder tales from many corners of the earth and even the depths of the sea!” — Back cover.


Libraries Australia ID  22731455

This item is currently out of stock

Winner of the National Library of Australia’s Special Award
Entertain the kids in the car, before bed, school holidays.
– Any Time! You might even enjoy listening yourself!
The art of the bard or storyteller is very much alive and well with this sparkling collection of tales and songs. Weaving together traditional, modernised and original stories, to captivate the imaginations of children and their grownups, tale weaver and singer Jenni Cargill will take you to worlds full of wonder and adventure.
The recording is beautifully produced by multi-talented musician and composer Ian Blake, who plays no less than eight acoustic instruments- from lyre to ukulele, from banjo to shakuhachi. Ian has been involved in over 20 albums for children.

Children’s scooters

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